Featured Events

Upcoming events to put on your calendar.

  • Sermon Series
    More than Attendance

    Church Membership is something that has become less common in Modern American churches. Modern American churches' seeker-sensitive, come-as-you-are nature has downgraded membership to a backburner issue with no real-life application.

    This is not how it’s supposed to be. This series will look at the Bible and see what the Church is, what membership means, and what members do.

    1. January 26 - What is the Church?
    2. February 2 - Members are Distinct from the World
    3. February 9 - Members Submit to the Body
    4. February 16 - Members Serve the Body
    5. February 23 - Members Preserve the Gospel’s Witness
  • Weekly Programming
    Wednesday Night Ministries

    Every Wednesday evening from September 18 through April 30 we gather around a free community meal from 5:00-6:30pm before our Wednesday night programming for children Pre-K-12th Grade.

    On Wednesday nights, we offer Little Lambs for Pre-K, GEMS & Cadets for 1st-5th graders, Middle School Youth Group, and High School Youth Group. All are welcome!

  • Friday, February 7
    Wild Game Dinner

    We will have food, door prizes, raffles (with some pretty great prizes), a guest speaker, and someone who will score your buck's rack (8+ points for adults, no limit for kids 16 and under).

    Everyone who enters will receive a door prize ticket. Bring a Michigan rack from this past season with you and you'll receive an additional door prize ticket.

    Cost: $10/person

    When: Friday, February 7 from 6:00-8:30 pm. Doors open at 5:30 pm

    Where: Vriesland Church Youth Building, 6839 Byron Road, Zeeland, MI

    Who: Anyone who wants to support our trip or loves a good wild game meal.

    This is a potluck-style meal so we ask that you sign up to bring a main dish, side, or dessert. This form will walk you through signing up.

What’s Happening at Vriesland?