Common Questions:

  • Why make a profession of faith?

    A public profession of faith is not only something that is done on a Sunday morning but is the responsibility of every disciple everywhere. There should be no question when looking at your life that you believe that Jesus is Lord.

    Publically proclaiming Jesus as Lord is also a testimony of the Lord’s goodness in your life. If you believe Jesus is Lord and that He died on the cross to save you from your sins, a miracle of the highest order has happened in your life. We, the church, want to celebrate God’s amazing grace with you. He has given you a saving faith. This is not an insignificant thing.

    You’ve been brought from death to life! That is something to celebrate together.

    If you grew up in the church it can often feel like something you have to do because others are doing it, but to genuinely profess faith in Jesus is a life-altering thing that should bleed into every part of your life.

  • Church membership

    In regards to church membership, professing your faith also welcomes you fully into the confessing membership of the church.

    With full membership comes the responsibility to help care for the health and growth of the church body. This is done through giving financially, using your gifts to serve, and participating faithfully in church gatherings.

    If you are over 18 years old, you will be able to vote on any decisions brought to the congregation. The typical things are budgets and consistory nominations. However, it can also be pastoral hires, denomination issues, disciplinary actions, and many other things.

    Being a member also makes you eligible to be nominated for the offices of elder and/or deacon. This is a high calling from the Lord for the shepherding and stewarding of God’s people and resources.

  • What steps do I need to take?

    The first thing needed to make your profession of faith is a love and heart for Jesus. With that, you can request to meet with Vriesland’s elder board during one of their Monday evening meetings.

    At this meeting, anyone who desires to make a profession of faith will gather together with the board of elders. We will then have some questions to ask each individual. This is not a test, but the elders want to ensure that you have an understanding of the Gospel and a love for the Lord. We are not trying to keep people out, but must protect the integrity of God’s church.

    The following questions will be asked:

    • What led you to this point in your walk with Jesus?

    • When did Jesus become real to you?

    • How long have you attended Vriesland Church?

    • Do you believe the Holy Scriptures to be God’s divinely inspired Word? And do you promise, with God’s help, to allow Scripture to mold you into a Christlike disciple?

    • Do you affirm Vriesland Church’s statement of faith? (find this below on this page)

    • Do you promise to be a faithful partner of Vriesland Church through faithful participation and the use of your gifts?

  • How do I prepare?

    Read through the resources below on this webpage. We have outlined Vriesland Church’s statement of faith, our identity and commitments, and have a space for you to ask any questions you may have. If you would like more assistance, we would love to partner you with someone who would love to talk through the Christian life with you.

    We are here for any questions you may have.

Statement of Faith

  • The Scriptures

    We stand firmly and confidently on the inspired, all-sufficient, inerrant, and infallible Word of God. We believe because the Bible is the written word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit and without error in the original manuscripts, “we believe without a doubt all things contained in them.” (Belgic Confession) The Bible is the revelation of God’s truth and is our only rule for faith and life.

  • The Trinity

    We believe in the Holy Trinity. There is one God, who exists eternally in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - one substance, equal in power, glory, and honor.

    We believe this God created all things by His Word and continues to sustain and rule over His creation. He is our creator, redeemer, and sanctifier.

  • Jesus Christ

    Jesus Christ is the second person of the Trinity, fully God and fully human. He took on humanity by being born of a virgin, obeyed God’s law perfectly, died for our sins on the cross, rose again to defeat Satan, sin, and death, and has returned to the Father’s side to intercede for His people.

    We believe in Jesus’ bodily resurrection from the dead, bodily ascension, and eventual bodily return and final judgment.

  • Humanity

    We believe that God created men and women in His image and likeness to be in fellowship with Himself and one another. We believe that men and women are equal in value and complementary in function. When Adam sinned in the garden, his sin was imputed onto the whole of humanity and we still suffer the effects today. Apart from God’s amazing grace, we are fully incapable of living holy lives, serving God, and receiving salvation. Humanity is wholly dependent on Him.

  • Salvation

    God is merciful in saving those who have been elected and chosen in Jesus Christ without any consideration of their works. Thus salvation is by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, for the glory of God alone, based on the teaching of Scripture alone (5 Solas of the Reformation).

    Through the finished work of Jesus, we are given His Spirit who convicts, regenerates, sanctifies, glorifies, and assures us of our salvation.

  • Marriage & Sexuality

    We believe marriage is a covenantal relationship designed by God, in the beginning, to be between one man, one woman, and God for life.

    All sexual activity outside of the covenant of marriage is sinful. Lust, adultery, cohabitating, homosexuality, pornography, etc. are all outside of a covenantal marriage and thus condemned as sin.

  • Sacraments

    Covenant Baptism: Baptism is a rite of initiation which replaces circumcision as the unique mark placed upon God's people and their children. Baptism is a sign and seal of the New Covenant given in Christ Jesus and is our entrance into the visible church.

    The Lord’s Supper is a rite of fellowship. By faith in Christ alone, believers are supernaturally fed by Christ and receive spiritual nourishment as they partake of the elements.

  • The Church

    We believe the Church is the physical representation of Jesus in the world, thus the Church is the loveliest place. As such, she is to live for the glory of God and have these three marks of a true church: faithful preaching in accordance to God’s Word, faithful administration of the sacraments, and discipline.

  • Evangelical

    Michael Reeves defines the label evangelical as “people of the Gospel.” Evangelicalism is historic, mere, credal, catholic Christianity. Being evangelical does not speak to a denomination, but rather an emphasis. We are people who believe in and live by the supreme authority of Scripture. We believe the Gospel should always center its attention on our Savior, not on ourselves.

  • Reformed

    Reformed theology places great emphasis on the doctrines of God, His work throughout the ages and within our lives, and the doctrines of grace (Total depravity, Unconditional election, Limited atonement, Irresistible grace, and Perseverance of the saints). The emphasis on grace in reformed theology reminds us both of our unworthiness before God and God’s unbelievable saving power and love toward us. Even while we were dead in our sins, Jesus died for us and poured out His blood in order to redeem us - amazing grace.

  • Confessional

    We are a confessional church, meaning we affirm specific statements of belief called creeds and confessions. These statements are biblically-grounded and were written in response to wrong teaching to articulate what the Church believes regarding a number of topics. We adhere to the Apostle’s Creed, Nicene Creed, and Athanasian Creed. We also adhere to these confessional standards: The Heidelberg Catechism, Canons of Dort, Belgic Confession, Belhar Confession, and Great Lakes Catechism on Marriage and Sexuality.

Commitments to our Church
🧩 Regular Participation

Sunday gatherings are where the body of Christ gains momentum and expresses her collective love for Christ. Our worship gatherings are not meant to house spectators, but active participants in praise, prayer, and encouragement. We believe that when the church gathers, Christians make that a priority.

Commitments to our Church
💬 Meaningful Interaction

Individual discipleship is a responsibility shared by the whole community. This means when we gather, we expect to be asked how our week was by someone who truly desires to know the truth. The only way the church will help each other grow is through meaningful, honest interaction.

Commitments to our Church
🤝 Partner in Service

Partnering with Vriesland means taking responsibility for part of the ministry. The only way the church can spiritually mature and reach our community is through volunteers. “One of the clearest ideas the New Testament gives us is that we are all called to build up the body of Christ through service.” (J.T. English)

Commitments to our Community
🏘 Faithful Witness

Meeting the needs of others often begins by being a light at your job, in your home, and with your neighbors. Being a tangible example of Christ’s love can open many opportunities to hear about the needs of those around you. Do not underestimate a life lived to the glory of God.

Commitments to our Community
💰 Sacrificial Generosity

Generosity is not primarily money, although that is often what we think of. When entrusted to God, giving what we can of our time, talents, and resources make a larger impact than the gifts alone can afford. Our small acts of generosity can and will help our community thrive.

Commitments to our Community
⬅️ Outward Ingenuity

We are committed to being aware of the needs of those around us and taking steps to meet the needs by whatever means possible. This, oftentimes, takes creativity and ingenuity. As we intentionally keep our eyes open to the needs around us, God will work mightily through our efforts.

Commitments to our Discipleship
🕛 Spiritual Rhythms

Daily: time set aside to be actively present to Jesus and to focus our hearts on Him.

ex. Study Scripture & Prayer

Weekly: time set aside to reset our hearts, minds, and bodies to rely on God’s strength and provision.

ex. Sabbath & Worship Gathering

Commitments to our Discipleship
🗣 Gospel Fluency

The best way we can love people in the way of Christ is by being steeped in the Words of Christ. Having biblical words on our lips and in our heart allows us to speak wisely and intentionally when those around us are in need of loving advice, guidance, or encouragement.

Commitments to our Discipleship
🤝 Mentor/Mentee

Being poured into and, in turn, pouring into someone else is wildly impactful to our Christian walk and the health of our community of faith. We would all greatly benefit from Gospel friendships we can rely on for sound, biblical advice as we navigate this journey of sanctification.